
How To Ask For An Update After Interview

Follow-Up Email Examples For Later the Interview

By Indeed Editorial Team

November two, 2021

In general, there are three kinds of follow-up emails yous can send later on an interview: one to your interviewers immediately later on the interview, a second follow-up if you haven't heard dorsum in a timely style and a "check-in" email to stay in touch for networking purposes.

In the all-time case, you only need to send one email—a note that thanks your interviewers for their time and expresses your enthusiasm for the chore. Sometimes, weeks can pass after an interview without a response from a potential employer. Below, we will discuss the best ways to write follow-up emails for after the interview including examples.

Related: Guide to Thank you Notes

Follow-up Email Format

Prototype description

Follow-Up Email Format

  1. Subject line

  2. Open your first paragraph with a thank you

  3. Talk almost your interests, goals and experience

  4. Fix yourself apart from other candidates

  5. End with your signature and contact information

The importance of following up

Following up with the people you communicate with during each stage of the hiring process shows that you are grateful and excited near the position. This will likely assistance to increment your chances of getting to the next interview, and eventually receiving an offer.

Writing a thoughtful follow-upward expressing your enthusiasm about the job, thanking the reader for their time and including anecdotes from your conversation shows stiff soft skills. Because soft skills are more hard to teach in the workplace, candidates that evidence respect, communication and active listening skills will be highly sought-later by employers. It will also make you a more than memorable candidate as you volition have had more communicative touch-points than those who did not send a follow-up.

How to write a follow-upwards email

In your interview follow-up electronic mail, showtime by thanking your interviewer for their time. Be sure to highlight the ways your talents align with the part. Refer back to your notes from the interview and the task description to choose words or takeaways from your chat that volition resonate with the reader. Communicate your enthusiasm for the chore by restating your interest in the position and your conviction that y'all are the correct fit for the position.

Here is a pace-past-step guide for writing a follow-up after an interview:

1. Start by choosing the right subject field line

The best subject lines in your follow-up e-mail are clear, concise and convey appreciation for your interviewer'southward time.

Hither are the best interview follow-up email example subject lines:

  • Thank you for your time, [ insert interviewer's name ]

  • Swell speaking with y'all today!

  • Thank you for the opportunity

  • Thank you!

  • I appreciate your time and advice

  • Follow up regarding [ insert position championship ]

2. Open your first paragraph with a thank you lot

In your first paragraph, mention the specific job title, thank your interviewer for their time and express your connected interest in the job and company.

3. Talk about your interests, goals and experience

In your second paragraph, note the company's proper name as well as a chat indicate and/or goal that seemed peculiarly important to the person you spoke with. Connect that point to your experience and interests. Go every bit specific as possible while keeping it short and to-the-point.

4. Set yourself autonomously from other candidates

In the final paragraph, close with a summary argument on what sets y'all autonomously as a candidate and what yous'll bring to this new opportunity. Invite them to ask y'all whatever boosted questions and close by proverb you're looking forward to hearing back.

5. End with a signature and your contact info

Close your email by including your signature and contact information. Cull a professional and friendly closing such every bit "All-time," "Sincerely," or "Thank you."

Related: All-time Regards and Other Variations When Communicating Professionally

Interview follow-up email examples

Here are several examples of follow-up emails you might use during the hiring process. Below, we will hash out when and how yous should send each and tips for writing them.

i. Short interview thank you email example

A brusk follow-up version may be most appropriate every bit a thank you lot email after a phone interview. In the brusque version, you'll want to be curtailed:

Subject line: Thank you lot for your time

Dear Ms. Owekwe,

Give thanks you for taking the time to speak with me about the marketing coordinator role. It was peachy to meet with you lot and larn more than about the position.

I'm very excited about the opportunity to join Horizon Marketing and am peculiarly interested in the details you shared virtually the upcoming launch of the brand campaign. I'm enthusiastic about the prospect of taking on some of the project management and bringing my experience in successfully coordinating cross-functional initiatives to the table.

After our conversation, I'm confident that my groundwork in marketing and my involvement in make growth will enable me to fill the job requirements effectively and back up the vision of Horizon. Please feel gratuitous to contact me if I can provide you with any farther data or samples of my work. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks again,
Jerry Mendelson

2. Long interview thank yous email

In the long version, you have more opportunities to explicate your skills in detail (although you'll notice that this long version is all the same relatively short). This is appropriate after an in-person interview or other meaningful interactions during the hiring process.

Subject line: Thank you lot for your time

Dear Mr. Jefferson,

Thank you very much for your time yesterday—it was a pleasure speaking with you about the account executive role. From our conversation, it's articulate that ABC Inc. has the energetic and hardworking surround I'm seeking.

I peculiarly enjoyed discussing your need for someone who can create value and insight during client conversations. It's an interesting challenge, and I've continued reflecting on information technology since our meeting. Over the last few years, I've encountered many of the same roadblocks we discussed: tightening client budgets and lengthy decision-making processes. Prioritizing the quality of the conversation over simple information delivery has been one of my most successful tactics in overcoming those roadblocks and 1 reason I've routinely exceeded my quotas.

In my relationships with clients, I focus on building trust and boosting credibility, and I'g excited about the prospect of bringing that skill set to ABC Inc. If yous demand whatever further information, please feel costless to contact me by email or telephone.

Thanks again,
Jaime Peterson

Keep in mind, particularly for the longer version, that you'll desire to spend time customizing the elements to your specific experience and the interview conversations. The more you lot customize these full general examples, the more you'll stand out as an applicant.

3. Checking-in email

If yous haven't heard dorsum from a potential employer after your interview or after your postal service-interview follow-upwardly, you tin send a "checking in" email, ideally to the recruiter. You should send this email if you oasis't heard back subsequently ii weeks since your interview.

Continue it concise. Indicate that you're looking for more than data without being overeager:

  • In the subject area line, include the job title you interviewed for.

  • Send this e-mail to the recruiter. They are the near probable to be upwardly-to-date on what's going on in the hiring process.

  • Keep it to one paragraph, indicating that y'all are withal interested in the job and looking for an update. Offering to provide additional information if they need it. Sign off with a thank you.

Subject field line: Checking in RE: marketing coordinator office

Dear Yesenia,

I hope yous're well! I'm checking in on the marketing coordinator office. It was great to encounter with the team earlier and I'k looking frontwards to your update. Please permit me know if in that location's anything else I can provide to aid in the controlling procedure.

Give thanks y'all,
Rachel Cole

Yous don't need to worry that checking in makes yous seem desperate or abrasive. The truth is that these decisions accept a different corporeality of time at each company. You're but giving them a gentle nudge for an update. And, if you really desire the job, there's no impairment in reiterating that.

4. Staying-in-affect email

If yous still haven't heard dorsum later checking in or you've learned that you didn't go the job, you lot can nonetheless venture to stay in affect with the hiring manager. The goal of this follow-up email is to institute a professional relationship with a person who tin help you grow.

Just like your checking-in electronic mail, this follow-upwards is curt:

  • Send this e-mail to the hiring manager. This person is probably at a senior level and could exist a potential mentor if you're looking to grow in this field.

  • In your first paragraph, mention what about them you constitute interesting or inspirational.

  • Limit to ii paragraphs and include a proposed timeframe for a phone call or coffee meeting.

Subject line: Staying in bear on

Dear Robert,

Hope you're well. I'm reaching out to say cheers again for your time and consideration. I sincerely enjoyed my conversations with you and others at ABC Inc. In particular, I constitute the details you shared of your ain career path very inspirational. As someone who's aspiring to build my career in manufacturing, I'd love to learn more about how you've developed and applied your skills.

I know you're busy, only if yous have twenty minutes to spare, it would be great to become on your agenda. Are you bachelor for a phone or java chat sometime in the next few weeks?

Thank you again,
Henry Ramirez

Be aware that if yous received a firm "no" on this job, it is highly unlikely that this email will change that. What it tin do, still, is reinforce your interest in the visitor and signal to the hiring manager that fifty-fifty though you may not take been the right fit for this job, there may exist a time to come part for which y'all are well suited.

Read more than: Become a Networking Expert in 7 Steps

Follow-upward email tips

If you don't get a response to your emails, follow up i more fourth dimension. Most people aren't ignoring y'all on purpose. They're genuinely busy and your email has likely slipped their mind. As long as yous are gracious and polite rather than pushy, these follow-up emails are simple indications of your interest and goodwill.

Here are some additional interview follow-upwardly tips you should consider when writing your own:

  • If in that location's something you forgot to say or want to elaborate on from your interview, this email is a great place to mention it.

  • Transport your interview follow-upwardly e-mail within 24 hours.

  • Start with the name of the person who interviewed you. Use their outset name if you are on a first-name basis. If non, include both their showtime and concluding name.

  • Choose an appropriate length. More than concise is appropriate for most cases.

  • Close the letter with your name and contact information, including your phone number and your email.

  • Advisedly proofread earlier you hit transport. Equally with everything else you've sent to potential employers, give your follow-upward a final edit before you send it.

  • At this stage in the hiring process, information technology may exist wise to fix to talk about your salary expectations. If you're unsure where to starting time, visit Indeed's Bacon Calculator to get a free, personalized pay range based on your location, industry and experience.


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