
How To Update Visual Composer Manually


How To Update WPBakery Page Builder?

WPBakery Page Builder LICENSE

WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) is 1 of the required plugins of our Journey Theme. In order to brand you relieve a lot of coin for this plugin, nosotros bought an extended license and included it in this theme. This means that the only limitation is that yous cannot update directly the plugin, simply you'll merely need to wait for u.s.a. to update the latest version of Visual Composer into our servers.You tin can still purchase your ain WPBakery Folio Architect license and update information technology instantly. Merely that's non necessary since we'll include the newest version of WPBakery Visual Composer on our theme everytime a new one is released. So don't worry well-nigh this!

UPDATINGWPBakery Page Architect

Like we previously wrote on this page, WPBakery Visual Composer due to licensing reasons needs a different update method. Follow the step by step guide down hither o simply watch the video tutorial beneath to detect out how to update this essential plugin correctly. But beginning think to update Journey theme to the latest version, since information technology will include the latest version available of Visual Composer.

      1. Yous volition brandish a bulletin that a new version ofWPBakery Page Architect is out and it needs to be updated
      2. Click on "Plugins" from your WP Dashboard
      3. Once you are in the plugin page, place the ruby-red-highlightedWPBakery Page Builder plugin on the listing and click "Deactivate"


      4. Subsequently the page refreshes, delete theWPBakery Folio Architect plugin by clicking on "Delete"
      5. You'll display a message asking "Are you certain wish to delete these files?"
      6. Ostend by clicking on "Yeah, delete these files" (Don't worry, all the existing VC data you personally built won't be deleted, since it's saved on your database)
      7. Once the plugin is deleted, yous'll display a bulletin on elevation of your WP Dashboard: "This theme recommends the following pluginWPBakery Page Builder"
      8. Click on "Brainstorm Install Plugin"
      9. This will open the "Install Required Plugin" page, displayingWPBakery Folio Builder.
      10. Select it and click on "Install"
      11. Wait until the installation completes
      12. In one case the installation is completed, click on "Return to Required Plugin Installer"
      13. Re-select over again the plugin and then click on "Actuate"
      14. You'll display a message of successful activation!

Important: If you followed correctly all the steps but at the finish of the procedure WPBakery Page Builder nonetheless doesn't upshot updated to the latest version, it means that the plugin'southward update was recently released, then but hang on as we'll upload it every bit soon as possible into our servers. For more info cheque the higher up paragraph WPBakery Page Builder LICENSE

Y'all tin can learn everything you need to know most this bully plugin, direct from its developer's website at this link


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